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Tea Mint / Thea ex Herbae Menthae piperitae

Tea Mint / Thea ex Herbae Menthae piperitae

Regulates the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It has a diuretic, choleretic, antispasmodic, carminative properties. Lowers cholesterol removes toxins and intestinal gas.

Made from the leaves and flowers of peppermint.

Weight: 28gr (4gr*7 teabags)

Store in a dry, dark, cool place for 2 years.

Preparation Method

Place the teabag in a teapot or a large glass, add 250-500 ml boiling water and close to insist. Drink after 10-30 minutes. Optionally honey or lemon can be added. The form of teabag gives the opportunity of making infusions with differnet tastes, volume and strength.